Defining functions, variables, and events
Defining public functions, variables, and events that can be used from App Inventor.
@SimpleFunction(description = "Does a thing")
public void FunctionWithoutReturn() {
// Code to execute here
@SimpleFunction(description = "Does a thing and returns a result")
public Object FunctionWithReturn() {
// Code to execute here
return whateverYouWantToHaveAsAReturnValue;
private Object someVariableValue;
@SimpleProperty(description="Gets the value")
public Object someVariable(){
return someVariableValue;
@SimpleProperty(description="Sets the value")
public void someVariable(Object newValue){
someVariableValue = newValue;
private Object someVariableValue;
@SimpleProperty(description="Gets the value")
public Object someVariable(){
return someVariableValue;
public void someVariable(Object newValue){
someVariableValue = newValue;
private Object someVariableValue;
@SimpleProperty(description="Gets the value")
public Object someVariable(){
return someVariableValue;
@SimpleProperty(description="Sets the value")
public void someVariable(Object newValue){
someVariableValue = newValue;
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